Sunday, 26 October 2014

National Ebola Response Centre (NERC) PRESS RELEASE EBOLA OUTBREAK UPDATES---October 25, 2014


·  Total Survived and Released Patients  =  722


·  New Confirmed cases  = 41 as follows:
  Kailahun = 0, Kenema = 2, Kono = 0
  Bombali = 14, Kambia = 0, Koinadugu = 4, Port Loko = 0, Tonkolili = 7
  Bo = 0, Bonthe = 0, Moyamba = 2, Pujehun = 0
  Western Area Urban = 8, Western Area Rural = 4

 Cumulative confirmed cases = 3,492 as follows:
      Kailahun = 551, Kenema = 476, Kono =38
           Bombali = 484, Kambia = 30, Koinadugu = 9, Port Loko = 486, Tonkolili = 173
           Bo = 164, Bonthe = 2, Moyamba = 88, Pujehun = 26

          Western Area Urban = 544, Western Area Rural = 421


·  Total cumulative confirmed death is 1026

·         Probable cases = 47
·         Probable deaths = 180
·         Suspected cases = 480
·         Suspected deaths = 135


His Excellency the President of the Republic of Sierra Leone Dr Ernest Bai Koroma has commissioned a 100 bed capacity Ebola holding centre in Port Loko town, the Northern Region of Sierra Leone. The facility, which is expected to serve both as a treatment and holding centre will be manned by some of the Cuban medical personnel that are currently in the country to help contain the outbreak and local Sierra Leonean health workers. Two more treatment centres will be operational in the districts within weeks, with one constructed in Lunsar by the International Medical Corp (IMC) and the other by the British in Port Loko town. Both treatment centres will also have laboratory facilities.


Ebola Emergency Account Details:
Account Number (Leones): 003001118285030109
Account Number (USD): 003001014138030145

 All Cash Donations are deposited at the Ebola Emergency Account managed by the EOC, and kind donations (Medicines, Equipment, Supplies, etc.) are held at the Government Medical logistics stores, Freetown, by the Ebola Logistics team, for processing, storage and equitable distribution as required throughout the country.

Ø  Ebola Virus Disease Situation Report

Ø  The Ministry of Health and Sanitation
v   For more information, please contact:

District level:    District Health Management Team
National level:  Directorate of Disease Prevention and Control,
                          Mobile: 117 (Toll free)

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